viernes, 26 de agosto de 2011

Carta directa a Notch (Por temas Legales)

Hola a todos , días antes del esperado gameplay , me dispongo a enviar un e-mail a Notch , el creador de Minecraft, para realmente saber si me da permiso para hacer esto , de lo contrario , el proyecto se parará y le entregare el "Source".

Aquí la carta en Inglés
Hi Notch,

I asume that you have surprised about the title of the e-mail , but it's true , I'm a student of Python Programmation , and Blender Game Engine , and I'm making a fan made project relationated directly to your Minecraft.

I'm starting for now , but I'm scared about legal permissions , I'm using your client textures and I'm scared because it.

The project is 100% fan made , and me and my other helpers (2) aren't searching for money on this project , it's only an idea , a really good idea , I think.

World of Minecraft will be (if it's finished any day) the MMORPG of Minecraft , we have te example of World of Warcraft , but we apply it to Minecraft , without Java :P

Here , an screen of the Pre-Alpha character creation (character is not textured , and the screen is in Spanish , the team is Spanish).

That's is all for now , but I continue worried  if i'm breaking any legal permission , or other legal things.. I asume your work is YOUR WORK , but I only talk to you:

I can make this? You give me permission to do this? When it's finished , I can give you the source , for you manage it and give you a lot of more money , if it got finished, ofcourse.

Thanks for reading,
Really , thanks,
Midgard - "Leader" of WoM.

Espero que tengamos suerte y a nuestro "Pez Gordo" le caigamos bien :) Mañana espero tener noticias de el.

3 comentarios:

  1. He leido en mediavida que te ha dado luz verde, podrias poner tambien el email de respuesta? o al menos lo que te ha respondido

  2. Es algo confidencial , se tratan muchos temas que no se han dado a la luz , y "borrándolos" no quedaría prácticamente nada de la respuesta , solo el "So, you can continue with your project, but bla bla bla"

  3. Ah, ok, te refieres a cosas sobre el desarrollo de wom y que se podrian revelar mas tarde o cosas que simplemente no direis?
